Dr. Funda Tekin

Dr. Funda Tekin, holds a PhD from the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Cologne. Fields of her research and expertise include EU enlargement in general and EU Turkey relations in particular, the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, flexibility and differentiation of EU integration, the added value of Europe as well as Euroscepticism. During her appointment as research assistant at the Jean Monnet Chair of Political Science at the University of Cologne Funda Tekin has been involved in various research projects funded under FP5, FP6 and FP7 (FORNET, CHALLENGE, MERCURY). She has published on flexible integration, BREXIT, various aspects of the AFSJ and decision-making procedures in the EU. From November 2005 to July 2009 she was the Project and Financial Manager of the FP6 Network of Excellence “EU-CONSENT”.
Funda Tekin is also Vice Director of the Centre for Turkey and European Union Studies (CETEUS) at University of Cologne. She directs the following research projects dealing with the EU-Turkey relationship: Jean Monnet Network “Enhancing Visibility of the Academic Dialogue on EU-Turkey Cooperation” (VIADUCT); “TRIANGLE – Blickwechsel in EU/German-Turkish Relations Beyond Conflict: Towards a Unique Partnership for a Contemporary Turkey?” (research project funded by Stiftung Mercator) and “The Future of EU-Turkey Relations: Mapping Dynamics and Testing Scenarios” (FEUTURE, H2020).